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5 Unbreakable Rules for Parents

5 Ways To Know If You're A Great Parent

Nontraditional Family with BabyThe family is the place where children are nurtured, protected, educated, and loved. Single parent households, same sex co-parents, and grandparents raising grandchildren are just some of the variations emerging in a modern world. What children need from family, however, will never ever change, meaning that families will never really change. Parents – no matter the age, nationality, shape, size, or gender orientation – are the heart and soul of the family home, a place where children are loved.

Modern families come in all shapes and sizes ... but these 5 things that makes parents great will never change ...

These 5 things are the requirements of GREAT parents … according to some of the brightest minds from the fields of psychology, child development, and education!

Nontraditional Family Cartoon

1) People who have the capacity to love unconditionally make the best parents. Children need to know they are loved no matter what they got on the spelling test, how well they performed at Karate, and how matter what they look like. Unconditional regard is an absolutely requirement of effective parenting according to Carl Rogers and Erik Erikson.

2) People who are stable and committed make the best parents. Children require stability in order to develop a sense of trust in the world, which is the first of Erik Erikson‘s developmental stages for infants and children.

3) People who nurture their children make the best parents. Children require cuddling, encouragement, and clear messages of love. Gazing into a baby’s eyes and playing Peek-a-boo are all signs of a great parent. Excellent nurturing skills promote healthy attachment as described by John Bowlby.

4) People who share rich social interaction with their children make the best parents. The human brain is immature at birth, and develops as a result of social stimulation and interaction from parents. Parents who share high quality social and cultural interactions with children are promoting the sociocultural development of children as described by Lev Vygotsky and Albert Bandura.

5) People who fairly maintain healthy boundaries and uphold family rules make the best parents. The environment of the family home must be positive, respectful, and realistic for the age and development of children. Parents who are firm but loving promote a healthy family ecology, which promotes healthy child development according to Urie Bronfenbrenner.

Rock A Bye Lullabye

Society and the media may insist that the landscape of family culture is changing. Same-sex parents, adoptive parents, foster parents, and other non-traditional family situations are becoming common. In spite of this, the ability to parent is not linked to gender, genetic, or cultural factors. People with these 5 qualities make the best parents, as supported by great theorists from the fields of human development, education, and psychology – Bronfenbrenner, Bandura, Vygotsky, Rogers, Bowlby, and Erikson.

Two fathers can bring up healthy happy children who are nurtured and loved. Grandparents can raise grandchildren to become effective adults. Two moms have the ability to teach their children about courage and responsibility. Foster and adoptive parents are able to supplement the needs of children whose parents are unavailable because of death, illness, addiction, incarceration, or military deployment.

The world must now embrace the power of family to transform society. The landscape of family may appear to have shifted with the times, but what children need from parents has not changed. And people with these 5 critical skills still make the very best of parents – no matter their age, race, gender, or creed.



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