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Animals Help Children with Emotional and Behavioral Problems

Kristen Peck Photo

Animal Expert Kristen Peck is Introducing a Therapy Animal to Addictions Counselor Charlene Shockley of PNE Institute LLC

Animal expert Kristen Peck knows how to use animals to support the growth and development of children and youth with emotional and behavioral disorders. Called Animal Assisted Solutions, Kristen Peck primarily specializes in working with horses and dogs, but is able to work with other animals as well.





Kristen Peck Horse

Animal assisted interventions are well documented in scientific research, and Kristen is adding to the body of knowledge with her cutting edge programs. She is currently collaborating with The Orchard Human Services, Inc. to create more focused and effective programs to promote academic learning as well as socioemotional healing through animal assisted interventions.



Kristen Peck Horse BeachWorking with education and mental health professionals, Kristen Peck is making a difference in the lives of humans and animals; her strong respect for animals helps all her clients learn to care for and embrace animals as an important part of our world. Please bookmark this page to watch as Kristin Peck’s journey continues. We wish you great luck with Animal Assisted Solutions, Kristen!!!