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When Pansies Are Porn

Pansies Could Be Porn

Gender identity is a sociocultural concept that is anchored in the collective consciousness by language. Harvard’s psychologist Noam Chomsky  (1988) explained how language helps form the human sociocultural experience. Gender is interwoven into the language and sociocultural experience.

Gender orientation impacts most every relationship, responsibility, and job under the sun. The person who burps babies and changes diapers is typically feminine. Even when a hairy burly man is doing the burping and changing, sociocultural orientation implies femininity. The one who builds houses and repairs cars is typically masculine. When a female attends to those responsibilities, society reframes the experience to a masculine gender orientation.

In reality, people burp babies and fix cars. Humans do. Not women. Not men. Not hermaphrodites. Not eunuchs. Just humans.

Humans are likely to have preferences for all sorts of things. Some people want to be wrapped in silk, feathers, and furs. Other want to smell like car grease and leather. Others might enjoy a blend. Moving away from predetermined gender ideas would open the door for a more egalitarian society.

A health society might have words for concepts like “when a woman/man is being responsive/sensitive/nurturing to a child”. The notions of teaching children about healthy boundaries, establishing healthy rules and boundaries around sexual behavior and interaction, and child rearing would open up to humans of all gender and sexual orientations. In such a society, men could nurture and women could protect. English does not have words yet to express these notions.

Once the words are created and established into the English language, the collective consciousness would shift. Individuals would suddenly be free to choose the types of things that pleased, stimulated, and titillated. Same sex parents could freely raise emotionally stable and effective human beings. Women could lead nations. Men could lactate (yes, this is a medical possibility). The possibilities are endless!

Society needs the words to define a new philosophy. How can people talk about the act of teaching children to become responsible, protective, and stable? What words can describe promoting nurturing and compassion? Masculine and feminine concepts must be stripped from these concepts in order to support a society that embraces all kinds of families.

Such a philosophy would support LGBTQ lifestyles. Gay parents would be equal to heterosexual parents in terms of parental rights and access to adoption. Lesbian parents and gay parents would find acceptance across the sociocultural horizon. Children would be raised in families that focused on fairness, love, and sensitivity.

Yet, the brain develops in response to the stimuli in the environment. Society determines hat is popular, exciting, and valuable. Neuroscience establishes order in the brain based on what is represented in society. If society decided that picking pansies was a great thrill, then pansies could become porn. And the next chapter of human evolution would unfold.

CALL TO ACTION: Please submit some ideas you have for words to support the non-traditional parenting experience. We will compile the results and send the report back to you. With a great response from our readers, we may be able to help define a new and gentler world.

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Sherrard, C., (1988). Rhetorical weapons: Chomsky’s attack on Skinner. Educational Psychology, 8(3), 197-205.


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